Here we present VueJS Laravel Admin Template for ThemeForest Community
Embracing all latest technogies, its built with Vuejs2, Laravel 5.4 and Bootstrap 4.
Whats more! We added almost every component you will ever need when developing a VueJS based admin template….so what are you waiting for? Simply download and starting bootstrapping your next big dashboard
Salient Features
- Fully based on VueJS
- No jQuery used
- 7 layouts options provided
- Multiple breadcrumb designs
- Multiple color schemes added
- example API usage with weather available
Version 3.5 – 23-Mar-2019
in addition to previous version, we added following authentication related features to laravel version
1. Login route (as asked in comments) 2. Register functionality with mail using mailables 3. Forget password functionality including mail sending using mailables 4. Users list in admin panel from database 5. Edit user from user list 6. create user from admin panel 7. can delete a user from admin panel 8. All pages are protected now i.e. without logging in, user can not access dashboard
Version: 3.4 – 22-Feb-2019
Laravel version
1. Added Login functionality using jwt, so app can issue login token for each authenticated user 2. improved login page UI
VueJS version
improved login page UI
Version: 3.3 – 29-Oct-2018
1. Added form wizards page 2. Added a page where cards can be dragged 3. updated to latest laravel 5.7 version
Version: 3.1 – 10-apr-2018
1. Added experimental charts UI. 2. Added new trend and bar charts.
Version: 3.0 – 12-feb-2018
Updated bootstrap version to 4.0.0. Updated bootstrap-vue version to 2.0.0-rc.1. Changed chat UI. Fixed bugs.
Version: 2.0 – 25-Dec-2017
Build system Improvements
- Now all compiled files are placed in a single directory for easier deployments
- Added webpack aliases for easier file and asset referencing
- Moved all pages to a separate directory
- Moved the router code to a separate file
- Added mix.extract() to handle vendor code duplication and long term caching
- Added Autoprefixer
Template Improvements
- Added a New Preloader
- Added Vue-Analytics for Google Analytics Support
- Added chat page
- Added Frappe charts page
- Bug Fixes
Version: 1.6 – 25-nov-2017
Added compact menu layout in our quest to improve UI, changed left menu icons
Version: 1.5 – 11-nov-2017
Added starter kit with documentation on how to add files from full package to starter kit
Version: 1.4 – 10-nov-2017
1.Changed icons Themify to Font-awesome icons. 2.Added one Cart details page in E-commerce section.
Version: 1.3 – 20-oct-2017
- Updated vue, vue-router, vuex, vue-multiselect
- Fix error caused by the vue deprication of slot scope prop
- Improved the E-Commerce section with new components
Version: 1.2 – 03-oct-2017
Improved dashboard UI.
Version: 1.1 – 22-sep-2017
1. Added E-Commerce Section. a. Dashboard added b. Add new products page added c. View product page added 2. Overall color scheme changed. 3. Revamped left menu. 4. Two Dashboard colors and skin color changed. 5. Sub Menu style changed.
Version: 1.0.1 – 02-sep-2017
1.Changed font-family Nunito to Open-Sans. 2.Changed two dashboard colors and skin color. 3.Changed style for sub menu(left panel). 4.Changed font awesome icons to themify icons. 5.Added some new charts in Chartist-chart. 6.Changed colors for all charts. 7.Added API to the menu-item(left panel) 8.Changed user section part(user profile)
Note: Images provided in demo are not included in final zip folder, they are only for representation purposes