Materialize – Material Admin Template
Materialize – Material Admin Template is the #1 selling material design admin template. Google Material Design Inspired UI with gradient colors, responsive design, and amazing support are the reasons of our customers to fall in love, making it the most trusted and complete Material Design Admin Template on the market.
Materialize – Material Admin Template has a huge collection of material design animation & widgets, UI Elements, jQuery plugins and works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets, and phones. User-friendly, intuitive, and fun to use.
Materialize – Material Admin Template can be used for any type of web applications dashboard: custom admin panels, admin dashboards, CMS, CRM, SAAS and websites: CMSs, SAAS, CRM, HRMS, Support & Social portal, e-commerce, personal business, corporate.
We’ve written the CSS in SASS which is a best way of organizing your CSS code in a structured manner.
Materialize – Material Design Admin Template has a minimal, sleek, clean and intuitive design which makes your next project look awesome and yet user-friendly, Have look Materialize today!
- Google Material Design inspired admin/dashboard template
- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- Based on Materializecss
- Expandable Sidebar
- Valid HTML5 and CSS3
- Retina ready
- Cross Browsers Support
- 100% fully responsive
- Fully customizable
- Awesome Email Page
- Calendar with events
- Dashboard:
- Vertical:
- Horizontal:
- Applications:
- Medias:
- Misc:
User Interface:
- CSS:
- Basic UI:
- Advance UI:
- Extra Components:
- CSS:
- Tables & Forms:
- Charts:
- Change Log
- jQuery
- materializecss
- chartjs
- chartist js
- sparkline
- jvectormap
- fullcalendar
- datatables
- perfect scrollbar
- Roboto font
- unsplash
V 7.1 – [3rd April, 2020]
Laravel ======= - Updated to latest Laravel 7
V 7.0 – [30th January, 2020]
HTML ===== **Updated** - Improved folder structure **Fixed** - Fixed search issue on the small screen - Fixed horizontal menu dropdown click for iPad - Fixed iPhone menu open issue for new iOS update Laravel ======= - Initial Release
V 6.0 – [02nd November, 2019]
**Added:** - RTL Support for all layouts & starter kit - Multi-language support enable - Quick search - Kanban (scrum board) App - File Manager App - Invoice App - User list, view & edit page - Timeline page - Account Settings page - Component: Select2 - Component: Rating - Component: Tour - Component: Quill Editor ** Updated:** - Updated all libs & package to the latest version - Updated documentation ** Fixed:** - Vertical navigation sub-menu open effect - Horizontal menu navbar dropdown z-index issue - Form select overflowed the card box - Vertical navigation menu item flashing issue on collapsible page - Bordered table - Firefox & IE left sidenav scrolling issue
v5.1 19th February 2019
Fixed -------- - Fixed BreadCrumbs in IE - Fixed Right slide-out issue of IE - Fixed Todo Select All IE issue - Fixed Chat image IE issue - Fixed Datatable View in IE - Fixed Collapse Icon of the menu for IE - Fixed Pricing page icon issue in IE - Fixed Modal popup for IE - Fixed Fullscreen issue from IE
v5.0 13th February 2019
Added ----- - Added new vertical modern & dark menu templates - Added theme customizer for customization & preview template in real-time - Added new vertical dark menu template - Added new menu active style - Added modern dashboard with clean and modern look & feel - Added chat, todo, contact & eCommerce applications - Added search, knowledge base & faq pages - Added new advanced & extended cards - Added all the framework components useful HTML,CSS & js code - Added new components & options as per Materializecss framework - Added form wizard with vertical & horizontal example - Added intro section for the landing page of admin template Improved -------- - Materializecss framework upgraded to v1.0.0 - Improved folder structure to make it easy to utilize - Upgraded all the third-party vendors & library - Improved Email & Calendar app UI and functionality - Improved user profile & error pages design - Improved contact page UI - Improved right slide out UI and added chat support - Improved chart library and upgrade all the charts - Improve the document for upgraded folder structure usage and customization - Improve gulp tasks for the new folder structure- Fixed ----- - Fixed swipe to open the menu in small screen - Fixed chartjs issues by upgrading it to the latest stable version - Fixed form elements, validation & input mask related issues Removed ------- - Removed vertical overlay & fixed menu template - Removed grunt task runner support - Removed jsGrid, floatThead tables - Removed advance-ui-scrollfire as per framework change - Removed Morris, xChart & Flot charts - Removed AngularJS directive support (Angular 1.0)
v4.0 15th October 2017
Added ----- -New Themes : Collapsible Menu, Collapsible Semi Dark Menu -New Dashboard - dashboard-ecommerce.html -Advanced cards - advanced-cards.html -Advanced ui pulse - css-pulse.html -Feature discovery - ui-feature-discovery.html -CSS Transition - css-transitions.html -Carousel - ui-carousel.html -JS Transition - advanced-ui-transitions.html -UI Advanced Buttons - ui-buttons-extended.html -Dropdown - advance-ui-dropdown.html -Scrollfire - advance-ui-scrollfire.html -Scrollspy - advance-ui-scrollspy.html -Add new layouts pages for light, dark, semi-dark, fixed footer and collapsible menu options. -Added support for jQuery 3 -Added Time Picker -Added XL breakpoint -Added Pulse CSS effect -Added Feature Discovery component -Added FABs in image cards -Added swipeable tabs -Added autocomplete integration with chips -Added class method to dismiss all toasts -Added callbacks to side nav -Added instance method to remove specific toasts -Added ability to remove autocompelete data -Added container option for time picker -Tab accessibility for date picker -Validation styling support added for many form components -Added carousel destroy -Added close on select option for date picker -Added support for custom active elements in scrollspy -Basic horizontal cards -Sidenav and Modals no longer cause flicker with scrollbar -Materialbox overflow and z-index issues fixed -Added new option for Card actions within a Card reveal Fixed ----- - Fixed bug where modal triggers could not contain child elements - Fixed bug with right alignment option for dropdown - Added fix for validation messages being mispositioned when input is empty - Allow select native browser validation error messages - Modal open no longer initializes plugin - Fixed bug where modal open did not use initialized options - Modal-trigger class required for modal trigger elements - Fixed waves persisting bug - Waves no longer throws error on svg elements - Fixed side nav callback bugs - Fixed carousel image loading bug - Full-width carousel now resizes height on resize - Fixed multiple bugs with jQuery outerWidth on Linux - Fixed cursor blinking on select on iOS - Fixed search form styling in navbar - Fixed label animation on date picker - Browser errors now show up on radio buttons and checkboxes - Fixed dynamic textarea resize bug - Fixed collapsible preselect bug - Fixed dropdown event bubbling bug - Fixed range position inaccuracies - Fixed feature discovery mobile styles - Fixed carousel reinitialize bugs - Fixed grid offset bug - Fixed various select bugs on mobile devices - Fixed small sideNav overlay bugs - Fixed carousel resizing bug - Fixed materialbox callback bug - Fixed carousel misalignment when switching quickly - Fixed carousel resize bug where slide widths wouldn't change when changing the window size - Fixed bug where using backspace to delete chips would navigate back in certain browsers - Fixed dropdown options bug - Carousel bug fixes and new features - Responsive tables now work with empty cells - Added focus states to checkboxes, switches, and radio buttons Updated ------- - Updated styling for Date Picker - Updated styling for switches - Autocomplete: renamed and moved options to autocompleteOptions - Range slider supports keyboard navigation - Upgraded noUiSlider to version 9 with support for vertical sliders - Improved tabs compatibility with cards - Refactored Modal plugin - Tabs now supported in navbar - Chips data can now be reinitiailized - Updated sidenav styles and new component - Changed /font directory to /fonts - Datepicker and ScrollSpy now compatible with jQuery 2.2.x - css-icons.html --> ui-icons.html - advanced-ui-chips.html - > ui-chips.html - ui-toasts.html -> advance-ui-toasts.html - ui-tooltip.html -> advance-ui-tooltip.html - ui-waves.html -> advance-ui-waves.html - ui-tabs.html -> advance-ui-tabs.html - ui-collapsibles.html -> advance-ui-collapsibles.html - ui-carousel.html -> advance-ui-carousel.html - ui-transitions.html -> advanced-ui-transitions.html - Renamed Plugins folder to Vendors and moved to root folder Removed ------- - Removed deprecated material icons -from project
v3.1 28th January 2016
- Enhancement 1.Added a custom.scss file for making custom changes using SCSS. - Bug fix 1. Fixed navigation bar issue on small screen for Horizontal & full-screen layout. 2. Fixed card reveal effect and make made it more smooth. 3. Fixed chartist error on single pages like login, register etc..
v3.0 12th December 2015
Angular UI 1. Ready to use number of Angular directives, are handled by Angular in the right way. [ angular-materialize.html ] Themes 1. Ready to use 8 predefined theme. Advanced UI 1. Language Translation [ advanced-ui-translation.html ] 2. Sweetalert for beautiful Modal popup [ advanced-ui-sweetalert.html ] 3. Shortable & Nestable [ advanced-ui-nestable.html ] 4. Range Selector [ advanced-ui-range-slider.html ] 5. Syntext Highlight [ advanced-ui-highlight.html ] Form 1. Advanced form validations [ form-validation.html ] 2. Input ttype mask [ form-masks.html ] 3. Drag & Drop file upload with customizable drop zone [ form-file-uploads.html ] 4. Updated new form elements [ form-elements.html ] Table 1. jsGrid - Lightweight Grid jQuery Plugin [ table-jsgrid.html ] 2. editableTable - turns any table into an editable spreadsheet. [ table-editable.html ] 3. floatThead - fixed table header plugin that requires no special CSS and supports [ table-floatThead.html ] UI 1. Material Chips [ ui-chips.html ] 2. Alerts & Warnings [ ui-alerts.html ] 3. Breadcrumbs [ ui-breadcrumbs.html ] 4. Updated Material FAB Buttons [ ui-buttons.html ] 5. Accordions page change to Collapsible with new popout feature. [ ui-accordions.html - > ui-collapsible.html ] CSS 1. CSS Animations [ css-animations.html ] 2. Hoverable healpers [ css-helpers.html ] Bugfix & Enhancement 1. Fixed popup close issue on click of popup out side (body) area. 2. Fixed the datatables row display select dropdown hide issue. 3. Fixed the floating button hover issue. 4. Fixed sparkline chaer hover stats background display issue. 5. Fixed the dount chart stats position. 6. Added the open-close state menu icons and color. 7. Added notification dropdown and county flag dropdown for translation. 8. Fixed chart lag, scrollbar and map marker issues.
v2.3 25th September 2015
- Fixed Firefox dropdown menu support issues - e-Commerce product page fix - Update materialize the SASS files
v2.2 18th August 2015
- Fixed IE and Firefox support issues - Dashboard search fix and updates - Improved Charts - Update materialize the SASS files
v2.1 11th June 2015
- 2 New layout 1. Full Screen 2. Horizontal Menu - 10 New Pages 1. Profile Page 2. Contact Page 3. ToDos Page 4. Blog Type 1 5. Blog Type 2 6. Products Page 7. Pricing Table 8. Gallery Page 10. Image Hover Effects - Updated Material Search - Fixed perfect scroll bar select to scroll issue - Update materialize the SASS files
v1.1 [2nd June 2015]
- Add new floating action button. - Update materialize the SASS files. - Fix the trending chart lagging issue.
v1.0 [20th March 2015]
- Initial release