If you hope to be a leader, pay attention to the realities, of, what, many refer to as the Laws of Attraction, because, only, then, will you, be able to bring others together, for the greater good! Although, there are many aspects, and components, involved, in trying to become an effective, meaningful leader, one of the most essential (although, often – overlooked) necessities, is, focusing on making their stakeholders, and constituents, feel, like they are an important, cherished part, of the team, and to achieve this, strive to treat them, as one should treat his MATE! Groups must stress, consistently, how important teamwork is, and how, when we work together, we have a far greater chance, to create a much – needed, meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater good! With that in mind, this article, will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.
1. Motivate; mention; make mark; meaningful: You’ll only attract people, when they feel, the cause is meaningful, and significant/ relevant! Remember, when you, consistently, thank others, for their assistance, and mention, them, by – name, your group will, enhance its chances of making the mark, towards quality, excellence, and sustainability!
2. Attitude; aptitude; attention; articulate; assign/ assignments: It takes a true, positive, can – do, attitude, combined with a well – developed aptitude, and skill – set, combined with a willingness to pay keen attention, to make others, want to work together! A leader’s words, have power, and, thus, how he articulates his message, often, differentiates between, success, and less – stellar results! The leader must assume the responsibility to assign stakeholders, specific, inspiring, meaningful assignments, when creating his team! Focus on how one’s mate would want to be treated, and pursue that direction!
3. Together; teamwork; trust/ truth/ trustworthy; tasks; trends, timely; time – tested: When a group’s stakeholders, are able to work together, for the common good, and effectively, use teamwork, to achieve the challenges, and necessary tasks, the possibilities, are significantly, enhanced! Leaders must demonstrate, consistently, they tell the truth, earn the trust, and proceed, in a trustworthy manner, to attract a significant number, to the cause! Quality, and achievement, come from well – considered, timely action (avoid procrastination), taking advantage of time – tested wisdom, knowledge, and expertise, and examining, which (if any) current trends, might make a positive difference, for the better!
4. Empathy; emphasis; energy/ energize; enrich; examine; excellence; endurance: To attract others, a leader must be willing to effectively, listen, and learn, from every conversation and experience, and proceed, consistently, with genuine empathy! This must direct his emphasis, and, when he proceeds, with quality, and energy, which energizes others, he will enrich, the possibilities, of getting others, to work together, and examine the options, and alternatives, with an open – mind! Leaders must demand their utmost degree of genuine excellence, rather than good – enough! Since, there are often, obstacles, thrust in one’s path, leading, effectively, requires true discipline, and endurance/ persistence! The same qualities, which attract mates, to each other, ensure the level of trust, understanding, and caring, constituents seek from their leaders!
No one can do it alone, no matter, how talented, and/ or, well – intentioned, he is! It takes a true team, to make a significant change, for the better, and to attract others, one must clearly demonstrate, the empathy, and genuine qualities, each of us, desire from our MATE!
Source by Richard Brody