Dashboard UI KIT for modern web application.
Main Features
- Bootstrap 4 css framework
- Ajax powered
- Grunt task for professionals
- Bower package manage
- Sass with variables
- Unlimited colors
- Light, Grey, Dark, Black themes
- Modern design, not just a admin
- Beautiful charts
- Flexible application layout
- App fullscreen mode
- Lazyload modules
Project app
Inbox app
Message app
Contact app
- Pjax
- Pace
- Fullcalendar
- Datatables
- Footable
- JvectorMap
- Nestable
- Sortable
- Flotchart
- Chartjs
- Echarts
- Sparklines
- Easy pie chart
- Parsley
- Select2
- Summernote
- Datetimepicker
Photos: http://uifaces.com/ not included in the download.
Fonts: Google Webfont—Gudea