Globals is a multipurpose PSD Template for your projects. An advantage of this project that it includes 5 concepts in one. They are Hosting, Finance, Portfolio, Directory Portal and Medical.
The archive includes 100 PSD files which are implemented in style of material design. Bright, flat and what is the most important – is that it`s a universal template which will become a good base for your projects. All layers are sorted and named and it is easy to be guided. All flat cartoon graphic elements and icons are included in PSD, they are free for commercial use. But stock photos of models are not included in a template. The following provides links to all materials.
Try it now and you won’t regret your choice. Globals is unusual and bold decisions, convenient and memorable design and a large number of pages.
Template Features
- 100 psd files are created in Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud
- Well Organized Layers
- It is a pack with five directions in one
- The template is designed in material design trends
- Bootstrap Grid 1170 px
- Free Google Font used
- Free Icons Used
- Globals can be bought only on Envato Market
Google Font Used
Before you edit the template be sure to install the fonts.
Graphic Used
All flat cartoon graphic elements and icons are included in psd, they are free for commercial use. But stock photos of models are not included in a template.
- PhotoDune
- Freepik
- GraphicBurger
- Pixeden
- Iconfinder
- FlatIcon
- Smashing Magazine
- Vector Characters
- Icons8
- Pune Design
- Css Author
- Freebiesbug
Globals – Hosting PSD Template (18 PSD Files)
- 01_home.psd
- 02_shared_hosting.psd
- 03_vps_hosting.psd
- 04_dedicated_servers.psd
- 05_domains.psd
- 06_blog.psd
- 07_blog_details.psd
- 08_about_company.psd
- 09_faq.psd
- 10_contacts.psd
- 11_not_found_light_version.psd
- 12_not_found_creative_version.psd
- 13_login_form.psd
- 14_register_form.psd
- 15_support_center.psd
- 16_menu.psd
- 17_dropdown_menu.psd
- 18_styles.psd
Globals – Finance PSD Template (16 PSD Files)
- 01_home.psd
- 02_abouts.psd
- 03_investment.psd
- 04_standart_plan.psd
- 05_professional_plan.psd
- 06_vip_partner_plan.psd
- 07_business_plan.psd
- 08_news.psd
- 09_news_details.psd
- 10_calculator.psd
- 11_contacts.psd
- 12_menu.psd
- 13_dropdown_menu.psd
- 14_not_found_light_version.psd
- 15_not_found_creative_version.psd
- 16_styles.psd
Globals – Portfolio PSD Template (17 PSD Files)
- 01_home.psd
- 02_abouts.psd
- 03_portfolio_fullscreen_masonry_four_columns.psd
- 04_portfolio_fullscreen_masonry_three_columns.psd
- 05_portfolio_grid_three_columns.psd
- 06_portfolio_grid_masonry_three_columns.psd
- 07_portfolio_quickview.psd
- 08_portfolio_details_standard_image.psd
- 09_portfolio_details_gallery.psd
- 10_portfolio_details_fixed.psd
- 11_vacancies.psd
- 12_vacancy_details.psd
- 13_blog.psd
- 14_blog_details.psd
- 15_contacts.psd
- 16_menu.psd
- 17_dropdown_menu.psd
Globals – Directory Portal PSD Template (31 PSD Files)
- 01_home.psd
- 02_googlemap.psd
- 03_googlemap_full.psd
- 04_real_estate_gridlist.psd
- 05_real_estate_rowlist.psd
- 06_real_estate_map.psd
- 07_real_estate_details_info.psd
- 08_real_estate_details_features.psd
- 09_real_estate_details_video.psd
- 10_real_estate_details_comments.psd
- 11_automotive_details_info.psd
- 12_automotive_details_faq.psd
- 13_automotive_details_reviews.psd
- 14_restaurant_details.psd
- 15_job_details.psd
- 16_shopping_details.psd
- 17_hotels_travel_details.psd
- 18_pets_details.psd
- 19_services_details.psd
- 20_about_us.psd
- 21_contacts.psd
- 22_news.psd
- 23_news_details.psd
- 24_menu.psd
- 25_dropdown_menu.psd
- 26_filter_styles.psd
- 27_header_categories_styles.psd
- 28_offers_styles_gridlist.psd
- 29_offers_styles_rowlist.psd
- 30_not_found.psd
- 31_styles.psd
Globals – Health and Medical PSD Template (18 PSD Files)
- 01_home.psd
- 02_abouts.psd
- 03_doctors.psd
- 04_doctor_details.psd
- 05_departments.psd
- 06_timetable_month.psd
- 07_timetable_week.psd
- 08_timetable_day.psd
- 09_appointment.psd
- 10_blog.psd
- 11_blog_details.psd
- 12_pricing_plans.psd
- 13_contacts.psd
- 14_not_found_light_version.psd
- 15_not_found_creative_version.psd
- 16_menu.psd
- 17_dropdown_menu.psd
- 18_styles.psd
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