Do find yourself caught in a vicious cycle of a lack of satisfaction, at time a sense of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness?
Do you at time feel anxious, worries and depressed of not being good enough?
You can change all of that by thinking and acting out some of these awesome ideas. Here are 26 simple ideas arranged alphabetically from A to Z in the pursuit of discovering happiness. When practiced with gratitude and hope, overtime you would be on the path of exploring happiness from within.
Avoid Negative & Respond Positively – As you get into the habit of ignoring the negative, you will have more time to focus on the positive.
Breaking Old Habits by Forming New Habits – Rather than focus on breaking “old” or “bad” habits, one should put more energy into creating new habits and practices that are beneficial as well as nourishing.
Choose friends wisely – If one wishes to be truly happy, it is best to choose to associate yourself with those that encourage and support you.
Dare to Dream – Live the Life That You Want. Keep the motivation to live your dream by focusing on the positives in your life.
Enthusiasm is Vital – By being passionate, grateful, positive, proud, creative, proactive, reasonable, patient, enlightened, and evolving, you will be able to accumulate an incredible amount of enthusiasm in your personal life.
Family and Friends are forever – Be grateful to those that have helped you get to where you are today as well as who you have become.
Giving and Receiving – There is always a time to give and a time to receive. While giving to those that we care about is a way of expressing our feelings towards them, it is also highly important to honor one’s own needs and desires as well.
Happiness within us – By accepting who you are as well as letting go of your expectations, inner struggles and frustrations, you will be well on your way to finding personal happiness and inner peace.
Inspire Yourself & Inspire Others to Be Their Best – By being true to yourself, sticking with what you love, expressing your enthusiasm, and excelling at what you do best, you will find yourself surrounded by those you influence.
Just do it – Accomplish What You First Set Out To Do. Set small goals for yourself and take one step at a time.
Keep on moving – Get It Together & Never Give Up. One of the most important skills that an individual can have is perseverance.
Love Yourself and Be Loved in Return – Celebrate your past, indulge in your desires, let go of your mistakes, and embrace your future.
Make Things Happen for Yourself – You are responsible for what happens in your life and it is up to you to take the first step.
No to procrastination – Stop Thinking. Start Doing. Important to plan accordingly and take small steps towards completing your goal
Opportunity is Everywhere – Make Your Own Future. Recognizing an opportunity is the first step towards success.
Practice Makes Perfect – Although it may not always be an enjoyable experience, deliberate practice makes perfect.
“Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit” – Before you even think about quitting, you must ask yourself a few questions. Have you put enough effort and time towards completing your goal? Have you done everything possible to complete your goal? Set a goal for yourself as well as take steps in order to achieve that goal.
Reach Your Target – Time is your most precious asset when it comes to goal setting so be sure to plan accordingly; make your time frame for completing that goal realistic.
Smile From the Heart – By being in close proximity to individuals that are more positive than others, the exposure to positive energy and bright smiles will be most certainly contagious.
Take Chances to Live a Better Life – Take your chances today; go after your dream job, escape from your toxic relationships and strive for what you really desire in life!
Understand & Respect Others Around You – By being able to understand what others need, we will better understand others and work towards being at peace with one another.
Value adding – As you begin to take those steps to contribute to those around you, you will certainly notice how it makes you feel about yourself.
Willing to reach your goals – Always strive for what you want in life, fight for what you truly want and stay positive, regardless of what obstacles life may throw at you.
X-(ac)celerating in Life and Moving Forward – Driven individuals are continuously striving to do at least one key task better and by doing so, you may have a history of doing what you do very well.
You make a Positive Change Every Single Day – You have the power to control your attitude, how to behave, what to say and when to say it. Use this power to your advantage and make a difference in your life today.
Zero In & Focus on What is Most Important – Important to know when to stop and focus on what is most significant.
Source by Santhanaram Jayaram