

Extended license

Regular License ( $35 )
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

Extended License ( $999 )
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.


ICONIC Bootstrap 4x Admin dashboard template Because you worth it.

ICONIC is fully professional, responsive, modern, multi-purpose, and featured Admin template which can be used to create various website, Hospital Dashboard, University Dashboard, RealEstate Dashboard, Project Dashboard, eCommerce Dashboard, Analytical Dashboard, Blog Dashboard, File Manager Dashboard, Admin templates, Admin dashboards, Backend Websites, CMS, CRM or one can also build Blog, Business website and timeline as well as portfolio.
ICONIC Admin makes the development process easy and fast for you and aims to help you implement your idea to real time.

10+ Dashboard, 100+ Integrated Plugins, 700+ Pages, Light and Dark Menu, The Multistep Form, Timeline view, Summermnote Editor, Image Cropping Tool, Easy to access Menu Styles

Main Features:

  1. Bootstrap v4.1.1
  2. Latest jQuery v3.3.1
  3. Light & Dark Versions
  4. Horizontal Menu Versions
  5. RTL Full Versions
  6. 6 Unique Color Scheme
  7. Built in SASS
  8. JS Bundling Ready (Bundle) New
  9. Fully Responsive & Interactive
  10. Elegant & Clean User Interface
  11. 100+ Ready to used widget
  12. 3000+ Icons
  13. Fully Responsive pages
  14. Detailed Documentation
  15. Google fonts (Ubuntu)

Ready to Use Application

  1. Inbox Full App New
  2. Chat App New
  3. Calendar integration
  4. Contact list
  5. Contact Card New
  6. Scrum/Kanban type Taskboard


  1. File Manager New
  2. Blog full section with Dashboard New
  3. Invoice
  4. Invoice V2 New
  5. User Profile Page
  6. User Profile V2 Page New
  7. Image Gallery (Bootstrap 4 Gallery)
  8. Image Gallery V2
  9. Messenger Notifications
  10. Timeline New
  11. Timeline Horizontal


  1. Summernote
  2. CKEditor
  3. Markdown

Many Charts Options

  1. Morris Charts
  2. Flot Charts
  3. ChartJS Charts
  4. Knob Charts
  5. C3 Chart
  6. Gauges Chart

Lots of Table Examples

  1. Jquery Datatable
  2. Editable Tables
  3. Table Dragger
  4. Table Filter
  5. Responsive Tables

Forms and Form Elements

  1. Form Examples
  2. Form Validation
  3. Advanced Form Elements
  4. Form Wizard
  5. Color Pickers
  6. Masked Text Inputs
  7. Multi Select
  8. Tags Input
  9. Input Slider
  10. Date Picker

Other Elements

  1. Drag & Drop Upload
  2. Image Cropping
  3. Sortable & Nestable
  4. Treeview
  5. Progress Bars
  6. Range Sliders
  7. Sweet Alert Dialog
  8. Expanded and Collapsed Menu (Multi Menu Levels)

Version 1.0.2 – 21 Sep 2021

-- Resolved issues for Angular version

Version 1.0.1 – 27 Aug 2021

-- Updated to Angular v12

Version 1.0.0 – 17 Aug 2021

-- Initial Release

Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and NOT included in the final purchase files.
This is the Admin panel design integrated with Angular, ReactJS, ready to develop a template. It does not include any Business logic to make API calls to connect with the backend of the application.
The Frontend versions (Angular, ReactJS) for the Iconic admin built upon the Main version of the demo, and due to some limitation of the native framework/library packages, there may be some mismatch in components of the Frontend compared to the HTML version, the other versions like HR, Hospital, University or Real estate etc will be available later as the item update.

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