Nephos is a complete Bulma Ecommerce Frontend Kit that has been handcrafted with care and patience. It provides ready pages to start building your ecommerce application effortlessly, as well as a set of additional elements that will help you create new pages for your specific needs. Everything you need to start is there, products, grids, account page, cart, checkout and more.. Please note however that Nephos is not a WordPress theme.
Bulma framework
If you want to try something different than Bootstrap designs and code, this is the perfect alternative. Bulma is a lightweight and easy to use css framework based on Flexbox. It’s mobile first grid has proven to be extremely flexible and perfect for mobile devices. On top of that, you have lot of responsive modifiers and mixins natively available.
Gulp Powered
Nephos is powered by Gulpjs, a task runner package that runs in a nodejs environment. Gulp tremendously improves your developing experience by automatically handling some boring tasks every developer has to do. Gulp will automatically compile your sass code to css and add the necessary vendor prefixes on its own. More it will launch a development server and refresh your browser every time you make changes in the code ! Truely a great development experience !
Theming capabilities
Nephos styles are written in Scss outputed into a single minified css core file. You can easily use one of the existing themes or create a new one from scratch really quickly. You just have to import your theme scss partial into your core to get a fully functionnal color scheme applied to all components.
Modular Core
Nephos Scss source files structure follows a modular pattern. Everything is already sliced for a better code maintainability. More, you can customize the Bulma source files and variables before building Nephos !
Nice looking starters
Nephos features 28 demo pages. it ships into a complete frontend ecommerce UI that you can use in your favorite ecommerce platform or in a totally custom project
Responsive design
Nephos is based on Flexbox, wich is natively fit for mobile and tablets. Nephos is ultra responsive. you can switch between a sidebar mode and a navbar mode when on a mobile device.
Template features
- 28 demo pages
- Heavy Gulp configuration
- Dependency management
- Development server
- Hot Reloading
- Graphic assets
- All variables are customizable
- 6 premade themes
NOTE: Please note that photos are not included in the main download files.
- Montserrat
- Alegreya
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.2 - jul 17, 2020 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Upgraded to Bulma 0.9 version - UI and a few js bug fixes - Fixed preloader not going away bug ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1 - jan 07, 2020 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bug Fixes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0 - dec 21, 2019 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Upgrade to Bulma 0.8.0 version - Upgrade to gulp 4 - Layout redesign and reworks - Javascript extension and optimization - Nephos is now a demo local storage application mockup, with the following features - Login to a fake user account - Add / Remove / Update Cart - Manage wishlists - Manage account - Start and complete Checkout - View Order details - Search results UI - Error pages - Dynamic product details ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 - Apr 06, 2018 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - initial release